Sunday 10 June 2012

The Handshake

This was to prove the most challenging part of the animation.

Largely due to the sense of Bill pulling Hrundi's arm up and down rather than a 'regular' handshake where both parties have the same grip. The handshake emphasises the strength of Bill and the weakness of Hrundi, so it was important that I got it right.

 I found that I was unable to use a locator to attach both hands during the shake, so I had to manually make them grip through each frame. I added some follow-through on the hand movement at the top and bottom of the up and down movement to try and emphasise the power of bill's grip.

Although this was difficult, I thought it worked out reasonably well. If I ever have to animate a handshake in future, this will definitely give me a building block to work from.

I did lots of playblasts for this sequence, this being my final one:

And this is one of my test renders:

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